Welcome To 2025

We want to wish everyone a Happy New Year and welcome to 2025 !

Yesterday I spent the day spraying the orchard for the first time in 2025. This is necessary to reduce the mite population on the trees which includes San Jose and Peach Tree Scale. They are treated with a light dormant oil and a copper based fungicide to keep the fruit from getting black spots.

This year, God willing, we will have about 500 trees producing fruit. Some 450+ nectarine trees we expect to be ripening, available for picking, towards the end of June. I am not sure what we will have available in apricots but they should be coming on line this year. We will keep you posted.

We now have roughly 300 Contender Peach trees and 300 China Pearl, plus 50 Flaming Fury peaches. Not all of them will be producing this year as we have had to replace a number as a result of pest damage, the greatest pest being the deer that roam through our orchard.

Assuming we don’t have the kind of weather issues we encountered last year, we should have an abundance of peaches beginning early July. We will be keeping everyone up-to-date through our email list so if you would like stay informed as to our opening, please sign up here.

Thanks for checking. God bless you all in 2025.

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