Happy Independence Day 2023 !
Open hours for the July 2023 season here at Hallelujah Farm Orchard are rapidly approaching and we have some sweet tasting fruit for you !
We hope you have enjoyed your July 4th celebrations and are looking forward to the rest of the year.
We are getting pretty close to opening the orchard for pick-a-peach season. We have been waiting excitedly ourselves as this will be the first year we will have any peaches available from the first 200 trees we planted. Of those 200 trees, 50 are nectarines. Sadly, our nectarines were significantly impacted by the late freeze in March and there just have not been enough available to warrant opening the orchard for sales as the nectarines ripen earlier than the peaches. In fact, I counted 129 nectarines in total. I think there may be a few more, some of which we have picked and shared.
As of today, we have a number of Contender peaches, yellow, that are ripening and we have many more China Pearl, white, that are still fairly green. We have a total of 100 trees of Contender peaches and 50 trees of China Pearl.
Right now I am juggling spraying schedules and treatments to make sure that we can open at the earliest opportunity which looks to be Saturday 14th July at 8:00 a.m. It is possible that it could be a day or two earlier but I want to be sure that we are well beyond the pre-harvest interval for any treatments I have applied.
From the looks of our nectarines, there may be some nectarines on the trees still ripening at that time and, as we will be selling all of the fruit at $2.75/lb, if you want, and can find, nectarines, you are welcome to “mix-and-match” in your basket.
I have attached a couple of photos taken this past week of Contender peaches and nectarines. I can assure you, these are really sweet fruits, I tested them !
We hope to see you once we are open. Please keep an eye on your email for a firm opening date and time, watch the web site or call closer to the 14th to confirm as we expect to sell out fairly quickly and we don’t want anyone to be disappointed.
God bless.